missing gate crossings

  • The Infrared beam may be bouncing off the floor, ceiling, or off a near wall so the runner does not completely block the beam from reaching the detector on the gray box. try the following:

    • swap the gray and black boxes. changing the direction of the beam often removes unwanted reflections

    • increase the height of the tripods, especially if the floor is shiny or on ice

    • increase the width of the gate by moving the black box further out, a weaker beam is easier to block

    • if there is no low ceiling, slowly point the black box upwards until the beam is lost (use the app or the front lights on the gray box.) then back up a little until the beam is restored. This places most of the beam away from the ground and unwanted reflections. If there is a ceiling try pointing the black box to the side

Check that you have the right version of the timers for your sport. Under the gates you will find a “Narrow” or a “Wide” engraving.

  • The Narrow is for sports with human athletes, the distance from the gray to the corresponding black box can be no less than 4ft and up to 8ft to 10ft. More than 10ft could cause the beam to be too weak to be reliably detected by the gray box.

  • The Wide is for sports that need a much wider gate, such as for horses, cars, etc. The Wide gates can not be closer to 20ft and can not be used to time human athletes. The beams are very powerful and the optics are extremely sensitive (in order to reach all the way to 150ft+) so when they are too close or tested in a room with walls and ceilings the beam will bounce around and not be properly cut. You need to test these in an arena or race track at the prescribed distances.

  •  gates are not synchronized (yellow lights are not blinking slowly and at the same time,) go to the two gate troubleshoot: