

Step 1:

This drill set up will use only the the gray “Start Gate” pod (marked with an S) and a black pod.

Step 2:

Attach the gray start pod onto a tripod. Adjust the tripod so that the gray pod is positioned at a height that reaches just below the chin of the athlete when in a three point stance.

Then attach the black pod on a tripod. Adjust the tripod so that the black pod is positioned at a height equal with the waistband of the athlete when in a three point stance.

Step 3

Enter the app.

To make changes in “Settings”, your phone must be near the gray “Start Gate” pod. You will know that your phone has successfully identified itself near the Start Gate when the heading in the app has change to “RM-510 Master" as seen below.

Once “RM-510 Master” has appeared in the heading of the app and the gears on the lower corner of the app have turned from gray to blue, you are free to change modes and reset the timer.


Step 4

Once the blue gears have appeared you can click on them to enter the Settings screen. For this drill make sure you select “Football Drill 5-10-5” under Timer Mode. Click save.

step 5

The following screen will appear once the system is ready for the athlete to stand in beam.

step 6

The light on the gray pod will turn red and begin blinking slowly once the athlete has successfully stood in beam. In the app the screen will read “Ready” as shown. It takes about 4 seconds of blocking the beam for this to happen.

Step 7

The athlete begins the  5-10-5  drill. When he or she crosses the beam the first time this will register in the app as “Split 1”, and will show in the table.

step 8

The athlete crosses a second time, this will register in the app as a “Final”.

step 9

Now the system is waiting for the next athlete to stand in-beam and start.